October 26, 2022 - Product Updates


Diversity label update

In our continued efforts to increase inclusivity, we have updated the ‘Female’ label to ‘Women.'


Company size filter update

As users look to target candidates from specifically-sized organizations, we want to support that need. We used to go up to 10,000 and then bucket all above that size in one group. With this update the slider supports specifying up to 20,000.

Left navigation updates

We want to continue to make design improvements that help users navigate and organize our user experience in a way that increases efficiency and discoverability. We have moved the user account menu to the left navigation and updated from the initials to the user's first name/last initial to make it more understandable as an account menu.

We have also removed the top 'search' field from SeekOut. This field was causing confusion and we want to drive users to our defined search experience.

Request a demo

Ready to take your talent optimization strategy to the next level? Request a demo to learn how SeekOut can help you recruit hard-to-find and diverse talent.

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