March 1st, 2022 - Product Updates
GitHub Data Refresh
With this release, we have increased our GitHub profiles by 10 million (34% increase). There are emails for 25% more profiles. In addition, there are 80% more female profiles and 33% more Hispanic/Latinx profiles.
Expert Data refresh
We have increase the number of authors in Expert by 3% and the number of mapped authors (those we can map to LinkedIn) by 3.5%. In addition, the number of female and Hispanic/Latinx authors have both increased over 3%.
Bulk PDF Exports
Users now have the ability to export multiple profiles in PDF version. Bulk exports will download in a zip file, which users can then share as needed. The ability to bulk export is available from within Search, as well as from within Projects.
Improved Report Organization
Users taking advantage of our pre-built Insights Reports will now see improvement to the "Save" pop-up. We now give them the option to "Save As" which allows users to feel confident in editing previously saved reports with new parameters, while not overwriting their previously saved reports.
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