March 12, 2024 – Product Updates

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Team Admin Updates

We released updated functionality for the Team Admin page. This update allows those users with Admin access to better view and organize their teams, as well as long overdue search functionality!

There are 3 updates on the Team Admin page:

  • Filter accounts by license type:

    • This allows admins with multiple license types within their org to quickly filter by one or more license types instead of scrolling through potentially hundreds of users to find out who was assigned a license.

    • Simply select which license type you want to see and the table will update accordingly

  • Search accounts by user's name or email:

    • No more scrolling through pages and pages of users to find the one you need to update!

  • Filter usage report before downloading

    • Historically, Admins had to download the Excel file which contained every single user account ever tied to the org, and then have to filter manually in Excel. Now, they can simply choose to only download the currently licensed users!

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