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Announcing Unified Profiles | Find More Qualified Candidates Faster

SeekOut's mission is to help you find the best candidates by giving you the most powerful search over the most comprehensive candidate database. Our candidate profiles cover not just what users say about themselves but also what they've done. These Whole Person Profiles let you discover the best candidates and understand their true skills. We've just launched a major update to our Whole Person Profiles.

Unified Profiles We're improving the way we display Full Person Profiles so SeekOut Premium Tech and SeekOut Expert customers can more easily understand the full background of each candidate. In addition to the public profile details, key matches, and expertise tags we've always shown, we now augment candidate results with information about a candidate's Open Source code contributions, academic research, and patents. We call this Unified Profiles.

A Comprehensive View of Each Candidate You'll still search SeekOut using any of our search capabilities – keywords, Power Filters, Boolean strings, or SeekOut Robot. But where you used to see a more limited profile, you'll now see information about the GitHub contributions of each software developer – including SeekOut Coder Score and links to their actual code. And for any candidates who have been awarded patents or done academic research, you'll see these accomplishments directly on their profile.

Many of these strong candidates don't bother to describe their detailed work on their LinkedIn profile, so they aren't discoverable with other tools. By unifying these profiles, SeekOut helps you find more candidates – and the candidates you discover will be even higher quality.

More – and More Qualified – Candidates for Your Hard-to-Find Roles Let's look at an example. Before today, if you were trying to find a software developer in Nashville with 5-10 years of experience and expertise in IOS, you’d find about 1300 results. With SeekOut's new Unified Profiles, the same search will return 160 more qualified candidates.

Even better, SeekOut will show you more information about each candidate.

Where you used to see the what the candidate says about themselves, you now see full details of their software expertise, their coding expertise and Coder Score, as well as links to their actual Open Source code contributions.

Similarly, when sourcing Life Sciences or Engineering talent, SeekOut's Unified Profiles now search and display information from the patents, research, and papers of expert candidates. This means you find more qualified candidates.

For instance, a search for magnetic resonance imaging angiography will now reveal more than twice as many candidates. And it will be much more clear which candidates have the specific background and skills you need. See how the unified profile below shows specific  expertise gleaned from the candidate's patents and research.

Improve Your Candidate Discovery Today If you're a SeekOut Premium Tech or Expert subscriber, Unified Profiles are active on your account today. If you're not yet a Premium Tech or Expert subscriber and would like to see how this new capability can lead to more effective talent acquisition strategy, let us know. We'd be happy to show you. Request a demo or contact us.

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