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November 1, 2022 - Product Updates

SeekOut for Healthcare 

SeekOut for Healthcare provides a unique and first-of-its-kind nursing talent pool as well as a licensed healthcare talent pool based on publicly available licensing data about nurses, doctors, and other clinical healthcare providers. SeekOut for Healthcare uses the same set of powerful SeekOut sourcing capabilities to help healthcare organizations source hard-to-find clinical candidates. 

With over 14M licensed nursing and healthcare profiles, the SeekOut for Healthcare database has the largest pool of nursing and healthcare candidates available on the market.  Recruiters can apply SeekOut's unique filters and other powerful search capabilities to narrow down the best results.   

Recruiting teams gain insights about any healthcare talent pool. They can also send outbound email campaigns and direct postal mail through USPS from SeekOut using the most up-to-date contact information.  

SeekOut for Healthcare more quickly and accurately sources clinical candidates and reduces time to hire.  

For more information, click here. 

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