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June 27, 2023 – Product Updates

Smart Match

Filter Management with Smart Match

We have added the ability for users to add, reorder, and remove their preferred filters in Smart Match. This will persist from session to session.  

Filter management is now available from the top of the filter panel and the More Filters menu at the bottom.  

June 27 release notes image 1

Once filters are added, drag and drop while in management mode and save preferences. Quickly restore to default or add additional filters on any session.  

June 27 release notes image 2

Note: Job Titles and Preferred/Required Skills cannot be removed as they are fundamental to a Smart Match search.  

AI Matching

Removal of AI Matching from Left Navigation

We have removed the option to begin a search using AI Matching in favor of Smart Match and the upcoming SeekOut Assist capabilities. Smart Match lets users create great searches from a title and list of required and preferred skills like AI Matching but in a more powerful way.  

Smart Match finds relevant candidates faster, provides insights about the candidate pool, and allows users to modify their search to find relevant candidates quickly.  

Note: We will continue to support Cloning and the ability to use AI Matching in Projects. 

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